Vol.2, pp.727-735, 2004
Considering Aluminum Welded Panel Structures for Aerospace, Marine and Land-Based Applications: A Comparison of Ultimate Compressive Strength Design Methods
Author(s): Jeom Kee Paik, Sjoerd van der Veen, Alexandre Duran and Matthew Collette
The high strenght-to-weight advantage of aluminum alloys have made it the material of choice for
building airplanes and sometimes for the construction of land-based structures.
For marine applications, the use of high-strength, weldable and corrosion resistant aluminum alloys have
made it the material of choice for weight sensitive applications such as fast ferries, military patrol craft,
luxury yachts and to lighten the top-sides of offshore structures and cruise ships. And while, over the last two decades, the ultimate limit state (ULS) design approach has been widely adopted in the design of aerospace and land-based (steel) structures, it is just recently being considered as a basis of ships and offshore structures.
Practical ULS methods of design codes are available in the aerospace and civil engineering industries,
but they are just now being developed for use by the marine industry. The present pater compares some
useful ULS methods adopted for the design of aerospace, marine and land-based aluminum structures. A common practice for aerospace, marine and civil engineering welded stiffened panel applications is discussed.