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[2004] Principles and Criteria for Ultimate Limit State Design and Str…
최고관리자 | 04-11-04 10:30
International Journal of Maritime Engineering
Vol.146, Part A3, 2004

Principles and Criteria for Ultimate Limit State Design and Strenght Assessment of Ship Hulls

Author(s): Jeom Kee Paik

Traditionally, design criteria and procedures of ship structures have primarily been based on allowable stresses and buckling checks. However, it is now well recognized that the limit state approach is a better basis for design, because it determines, in a more realistic way, the real safety margin of any economically designed structure.
The present paper describes an ultimate limit state(ULS) based procedure for design and strength assessment of ship hulls under vertical bending moment. For the purpose of structural design of newly-built ships, the bending moments shall be determined based on the long-term response, while the basis for strength assessment of existing or damaged ships shall be the short-term response which accounts for operational and environmental conditions at the time of method or closed-form ULS formulae. The safety measure of a ship hull is then defined as a ratio of the ultimate longitudinal strength to the extreme bending moment. The present procedure is applied for ultimate longitudinal strength assessment of existing merchant ship hulls. A comparison with the ULS based safety measure and the traditional section modulus based safety measure is also made. It is concluded that the procedure and insights developed from the present study will be very useful for the ULS based design of newly-built ships as well as the assessment of the true margin of safety for existing or damaged ship hulls.