Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K., 25th June 2004
Recent Advances and Future Trends in Ultimate limit State Design of Steel-Plated Structures
Author(s): Jeom Kee Paik
Steel-plated structures are important in a variety of marine and land-based applications including ships, offshore platforms and box girder bridges. It is now well recognized that the ultimate limit state approach is more useful for design and safety assessment than the traditional allowable stress approach, since it is difficult to determine the real safety margin of any economically designed structure using linear elastic methods alone. This article presents recent advances in the areas related to the ultimate limit state (ULS) design of steel-plated structures. The ultimate strength formulae of structural components (e.g., support members, plates, stiffened panels, corrugated panels) and global system structures (e.g., ship hulls) are presented, primarily based upon the results from the textbook of Paik & Thayamballi (2003). During the last decade, fast advances have been achieved in the areas of the ULS design, and it is convinced that the developments are mature enough to enter in the day-byday design approach. However, there still remain problem areas to be solved for the ULS assessment of steel-plated structures in terms of accommodating the effects of structural damages and
dynamic/impact loading. Future trends are then addressed in terms of further research and
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