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Quasi-static / Dynamic Loading Actuators
준정적 / 동적 하중 시험 장치
Objectives Buckling and collapse testing of structures in quasi-static or dynamic loading conditions
Fatigue testing of structures under dynamically repeated loading
Features of Test Facility Movable loading actuators are used to set the test structures up on the test frame in association with the applied loading conditions.
Combined loading conditions can be considered.
Specification Quasi-static loading actuator: 2MN (Max. loading capacity), 0.05mm/s (Max. loading speed), 500mm (Max. stroke)
Quasi-static loading actuator: 5MN (Max. loading capacity), 0.05mm/s (Max. loading speed), 500mm (Max. stroke)
Dynamic loading actuator: 100kN (Max. loading capacity), 1,000mm/s (Max. loading speed), 500mm (Max. stroke)
Dynamic loading actuator: 500kN (Max. loading capacity), 200mm/s (Max. loading speed), 500mm (Max. stroke)