October 4~7, Vancouver. Trans. SNAME, Vol. 108
On Advanced Buckling and Ultimate Strength Design of Ship Plating
Author(s): Jeom Kee Paik, Anil Kumar Thayamballi, Ge Wang and Bong Ju Kim
Abstract:This paper is a summary of recent research and development in areas related to advanced buckling and ultimate strength design of ship plating, jointly undertaken by the American Bureau of Shipping and the Pusan National University. The behavior of ship plating normally depends on a variety of influential factors, namely geometric / material properties, loading characteristics, initial imperfections, boundary conditions and deterioration arising from corrosion, fatigue cracking and accidental dents. In achieving a more advanced buckling and ultimate strength design of ship plating, we are still confronted with a number of problem areas to be more completely solved and these would need methods that are more sophisticated than most existing simplified approaches. In this regard, this paper focuses on the following five subjects which have been studied by the authors theoretically, numerically and experimentally: mathematical modeling of fabrication related imperfections (i.e., initial deflections and residual stresses), characteristics of the plate buckling with elastically restrained edge conditions, capacity equations based on buckling and ultimate strength under combined loads including biaxial loads, edge shear and lateral pressure, collapse strength characteristics under axial compressive dynamic loads, and design equation of the plate capacity under impact lateral pressure loading. Useful results, important insights and conclusions developed from the studies are summarized and recommendations are made with respect to both technologically improved design procedures, and also needed future research.