Experimental assessment of the structural behaviour of aluminium helideck structures under static/impact loads
Author(s): Jung Kwan Seo, Dae Kyeom Park, Sung Woo Jo, Bong Ju Kim & Jeom Kee Paik
Helidecks are used to access offshore installations for support and transport operations. The helideck and its supporting structure are critical safety elements due to their essential role in emergency evacuations. Therefore, the design of helideck structures should satisfy operational and accidental conditions. In current industrial practice, aluminium pancake designs tend to be based on a steel section profile with modifications. The design of aluminium helidecks should consider evaluations of structural safety and stability and comply with the design requirements of international codes. The aim of this study is to examine the structural behaviour characteristics of recently developed aluminium helideck structure through full-scale experiments investigations. The experimental results are documented and discussed with a current design code. The database and insights developed from the present work will be useful for the damage-tolerant design of aluminium structures and also for accidental and condition assessment or health monitoring of aluminium structures.