Condition assessment of damaged elbow in subsea pipelines
Author(s): Geon Ho Lee, Jung Kwan Seo and Jeom Kee Paik
The evaluation of the performance of aged structures is essential in the oil and gas industry, where inaccurate predictions of
structural performance may lead to significant hazardous consequences. Elbows are critical structures subject to continuous
corrosion that can lead to a burst or collapse. It is important to be able to predict both burst strength in continually corroding
structures and the behaviour of the structures after critical corrosion takes place. Structural failures due to a significant
reduction in wall thickness make it very complicated for pipeline operators to maintain pipeline serviceability. This paper
discusses the plastic limit pressure of elbows without defects and with several local thinned areas. Finite element analysis
(FEA) and the Goodall formula were used to evaluate the new formula. The results of the FEA show that the limit load of
elbows under internal pressure differs with position and depth of damage. An empirical formula for the limit load of elbows
with local thinned areas is proposed. Eight sizes of elbow were considered in this study, with Rm/t of 5, 6, 7.5, 9, 12, 15,
20 and 25. This range covers most of the piping used in high-pressure environments, such as nuclear and subsea situations.
The method of numerical analysis was validated by experiment and with FEA results from the literature. The results of the
study can be applied to both the operation and assessment of pipelines. A formula to predict the maximum burst strength of
damaged elbows is presented, which will enable more accurate estimates of the time until pipelines need to be replaced or