Cost–benefit analysis of corrugated blast walls
Author(s): Han Yin Lei, Jong Chan Lee, Chun Bao Li, Yeon Chul Ha, Jung Kwan Seo, Bong Ju Kim and Jeom Kee Paik
Blast walls are generally used to reduce explosion consequences as a form of passive mitigation for offshore installations. Currently, three main types of blast wall are used; flat, stiffened panel and corrugated. Given its particular geometric characteristics, corrugated blast walls are better energy-absorbing systems than other types of blast wall. Thus, corrugated blast walls are often installed in offshore installations to protect against hydrocarbon explosions. However, limited information is available on the influence of parameters of corrugated blast walls such as breadth, height, angle and thickness on lateral deflection, as well as cost. Hence, optimised parameters that consider the comparison between damage (deformation) and cost must be determined for corrugated blast walls. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of design parameters on the nonlinear structural characteristics and cost of corrugated blast walls in association with cost-benefit analysis. A dynamic finite element analysis was performed by analysis system/Livermore software-dynamics (ANSYS/LS-DYNA) by varying wall thickness, breadth, height and angle of corrugation. Design guidance is offered with an example of how to determine the parameters of a blast wall.