Ultimate Strength Assessment of Ship Stiffened Panel under Arctic Conditions
Author(s): YangSeop Kim ․DaeKyeom Park ․SangJin Kim ․DongHun Lee ․BongJu Kim ․YeonChul Ha ․JungKwan Seo ․JeomKee Paik
Environmental changes, especially global climate change, are creating new routes to reduce a shipping service distance in Arctic area.The Arctic routes are shorter than 60% of existing ways Panama or Suez canal). For this reason, ship owners prefer to navigate in
Arctic area and a transportation of goods though the Arctic area is increasing. But the low temperature in Arctic condition changes the material properties. Especially, the material will be brittle and strength will increase. And an ultimate strength analysis of ship stiffened
panels is changed depending on temperatures. In present study, the ultimate strength analysis of stiffened panels in double hull oil tankers is performed under various low temperatures with the material properties obtained by tensile coupon test. The analytical method
as named ALPS/ULSAP was used for analysis method and 6 kinds of temperature (20, 0, -20, -40, -60 and -80) were considered to investigate the effect of Arctic conditions.