Experimental Study of the Reduction of High Temperatures and Radiation using Heat Shields associated with Flare Towers of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
Author(s): Sang Jin Kim, Sung In Park, Jong Chan Lee, Jung Kwan Seo, Bong Ju Kim, Yeon Chul Ha, Jeom Kee Paik & Tae Uk Heo
Abstract: On oil and gas platforms, a flare system is used to burn excess and unusable gas and oil. This system is normally installed on the bow or stern of the topside structure to limit hazardous working conditions such as exposure to high temperatures or heat radiation. In general, when burning gas and oil, continuous flaring systems reach a maximum temperature of approximately 1200 ◦C and a heat flux of over 400 kW/m2. As extreme temperature and heat flux can harm workers and damage structures near the flare system, heat shields are used to decrease temperature and radiation. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of heat shields and to determine how different numbers and types of heat shields block heat flux and temperature. Two types of shields, i.e., flat and perforated plates, were examined. In examining perforated heat shields, tests were performed with single and double shields. In addition, the heat flux and temperature reduction rates achieved by heat shields at varying distances from a heat source were obtained.