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[2011] A new method for measuring nonharmonic periodic excitation forc…
최고관리자 | 11-11-04 11:49
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.25, issue 6, pp.2219-2228, August 2011

A new method for measuring nonharmonic periodic excitation forces in nonlinear damped systems

T.S. Jang, H. Baek, H.S. Choi and S.G. Lee

Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to identify an external loading of long time duration, which is nonharmonic but periodic, acting on a nonlinear dynamic system with nonlinear restoring as well as nonlinear damping. A new procedure is proposed for the force identification through an inverse formalism. However, this involves a Volterra-type nonlinear integral equation of the first kind, which lacks solution stability. Therefore, the nonlinear dynamic system under investigation is transformed into a linear relation between forces and pseudo-displacements. The lack of solution stability is resolved by applying available regularization methods. The feasibility of the force identification is demonstrated through a numerical example.