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[2009] Ultimate Strength Performance Of Suezmax Tanker Structures: PRE…
최고관리자 | 09-11-04 11:37
Trans RINA, Vol 151, Part A2, Intl J Maritime Eng, 2009 Apr-Jun

Ultimate Strength Performance Of Suezmax Tanker Structures: PRE-CSR VERSUS CSR DESIGNS

Author(s): J. K. Paik, D. K. Kim and M. S. Kim

Summary :
This paper presents a comparison of the ultimate strength performance of Suezmax-class double-hull oil tanker structures designed using pre-Common Structural Rules (CSR) versus those designed using CSR in terms of hull girder collapse and buckling collapse of stiffened plate structures on the deck and at the bottom. The ALPS/ULSAP code for the ultimate strength calculation of stiffened plate structures and the ALPS/HULL code for progressive hull collapse
analysis are employed for this purpose. Three types of structural scantlings, namely, net, gross (as-built) and 50% corrosion margin scantlings, are considered in association with ultimate strength performance. The insights and conclusions developed from the present study are documented.