Washington, DC, 29 September – 2 October, 2004
General Requirements for Limit State Assessment of Ship Structures
Author(s): Paul A. Frieze and Jeom Kee Paik
Over many years, ship classification societies have evolved their own requirements for sizing scantlings of merchant vessels based primarily on in-house studies and experiences. This has generated different sets of requirements for sizing ship structures so that, even for nominally identical ships, when sized in accordance with different class requirements, result in vessels having different levels of reliability. IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) has devoted effort to unify some of these requirements (e.g., ship longitudinal strength). However, such guidelines are primarily based on allowable stresses and elastic buckling strengths adjusted by a simple plasticity correction factor so that they are not necessarily able to determine true safety margins for ship structures. During the last two to three decades, the emphasis in design and strength assessment of land-based structures and offshore structures has moved from an allowable stress approach, as used by classification societies, to a limit state approach, as reflected in, for example, BS 5400, ISO 2394 and the ISO 19900 series of standards. To provide a corresponding set of limit state guidelines for ship structures, to be known as ISO 18072, an ISO Working Group (WG 3) has been set-up under TC 8/SC 8. The WG aims to establish appropriate limit state formulations for the strength assessment of ship structures. However, in order to provide a formal framework in which this can be performed, a set of general limit state requirements is first needed similar to those in ISO 19900 in relation to the ISO 19900 series. This paper describes the basis and development of the general requirements limit state document that will form ISO 18072-1.