Boston, SNAME Transactions, Vol.110, 24-27 September
Ultimate Limit State Design of Ships Hulls
Author(s): Jeom Kee Paik, Ge Wang, Bong Ju Kim and Anil Kumar Thayamballi
This paper is a logical sequel to the authors' last two SNAME annual meeting papers (Paik et al. 2000, 2001) which dealt with the ultimate limit state design of ship plating and stiffened panels. It aims to deal with the advanced ultimate limit state design of ship hulls under vertical bending moments. Traditionally, design criteria and procedures were primarily based on allowable stresses and buckling checks. It is now well recognized that the limit state approach is a better basis for design, because it determines, in a more realistic way, the real safety margin of any economically designed structure. While the limit state design for steel structures uses limit states classified into four types, namely serviceability limit state, ultimate limit state, fatigue limit state and accidental limit state, the present paper is concerned with the ultimate limit state of ship hulls.
In this paper, efficient and accurate methodology for the progressive collapse analysis of ship hulls is presented. The characteristics of progressive collapse behavior of a total of 10 typical merchant ships under vertical bending are then investigated using the analysis method presented. Effects of lateral pressure and horizontal moment on the hull girder ultimate vertical moment are studied. Closed-form ultimate strength formulations for the ultimate strength of ships are developed. Finally, the ultimate limit state design format for ships is addressed.