Development of design factor predicting the ultimate strength for wide spacing in container curved bilge structures
Author(s): Joo Shin Park, Jung Kwan Seo
The aim of the present study is to develop a curvature factor to estimate the ultimate strength and the progressive collapse behaviour of a stiffened curved plate under combined in-plane compression and lateral pressure. Stiffened curved plates are used in various parts of ship and offshore structures, such as bilge structures, columns and the inside structures of offshore semisubmersible rigs. The curvature of a cylindrically curved plate is found to increase the buckling strength and ultimate strength compared with a plate without curvature. Based on the numerical results of a series of nonlinear finite element calculations for all edges with symmetric curved plating with varying parameters such as slenderness ratio, stiffener size, flank angle and amplitude of lateral pressure, an empirical design factor is derived to predict the curvature influence for a fundamental scantling design by rule guidance. The outcomes can be widely referred to in basic designs to decide the required bilge thickness during local scantling.